- 检测各种多边形
- 编写代码检测定位药丸
- 实操课:
- 相机标定
- 车道线检测
- 实时模板匹配
- 找到目标并进行透视变换(恢复期望形状)
- 查找指定物体(圈出目标区域)
- 车道线检测(视频)
- 计算面积:
- 计算周长:
cv2.arcLength(curve, True)
- 多边形逼近:
cv2.approxPolyDP(curve, epsilon, True)
- 判断是否是凸多边形:
- 绘制封闭路径:
cv2.cv.drawContours( img, contours, -1, (0, 255, 0), 3 )
- 参数3为-1时:绘制所有contours轮廓
- 参数3为>-1的n时:绘制
轮廓 -
def angle_cos(p0, p1, p2):
d1, d2 = (p0-p1).astype('float'), (p2-p1).astype('float')
return abs( np.dot(d1, d2) / np.sqrt( np.dot(d1, d1)*np.dot(d2, d2) ) )
import cv2 import numpy as np # Create a VideoCapture object and read from input file # If the input is the camera, pass 0 instead of the video file name cap = cv2.VideoCapture('chaplin.mp4') # Check if camera opened successfully if (cap.isOpened()== False): print("Error opening video stream or file") # Read until video is completed while(cap.isOpened()): # Capture frame-by-frame ret, frame = cap.read() if ret == True: # Display the resulting frame cv2.imshow('Frame',frame) # Press Q on keyboard to exit if cv2.waitKey(25) & 0xFF == ord('q'): break # Break the loop else: break # When everything done, release the video capture object cap.release() # Closes all the frames cv2.destroyAllWindows()
import cv2 import numpy as np # Create a VideoCapture object cap = cv2.VideoCapture(0) # Check if camera opened successfully if (cap.isOpened() == False): print("Unable to read camera feed") # Default resolutions of the frame are obtained.The default resolutions are system dependent. # We convert the resolutions from float to integer. frame_width = int(cap.get(3)) frame_height = int(cap.get(4)) # Define the codec and create VideoWriter object.The output is stored in 'outpy.avi' file. out = cv2.VideoWriter('outpy.avi',cv2.VideoWriter_fourcc('M','J','P','G'), 10, (frame_width,frame_height)) while(True): ret, frame = cap.read() if ret == True: # Write the frame into the file 'output.avi' out.write(frame) # Display the resulting frame cv2.imshow('frame',frame) # Press Q on keyboard to stop recording if cv2.waitKey(1) & 0xFF == ord('q'): break # Break the loop else: break # When everything done, release the video capture and video write objects cap.release() out.release() # Closes all the frames cv2.destroyAllWindows()